Feb 24, 2013


Ms-Outlook is a free email service provided by Microsoft & used as a Personal Information Manager. Over 50% of the users are currently using Ms-Outlook as an interface for exchange information because of its security and reliability. To save our messages, calendars, events, Ms-Outlook used PST file format. I have already discussed in brief about the PST file format & Importance of PST file in Ms-Outlook. In this post, I will discuss some methods to split your PST File. But first you should know why we need to split PST File? To know the reason see the following issues and have you ever observed these common problems with MS-Outlook?
  • Speeds Get Slow Down 
  • Reading E-mail MSG 
  • Moving E-mail MSG 
  • Deleting E-mail MSG
 If yes then you should definitely split your PST File. This all is happening due to large sized PST File. Microsoft has provided a tool to split large sized PST file. The name of tool is pst2g tool. This tool split your large sized PST file but there is no surety of getting your original data back. The adequate method to solve the problem of large size PST file is to split your PST File by using third party tool .By using third party tool; you may able to split your PST file by
Split PST File by Size: - Large size PST file can lead to corruption. The best way to avoid corruption is to split your PST file in to small PST files. It's easy to manage small PST file as compare to large PST. One more benefit of splitting large PST file in to small PST files is you will be able to access it on every version of Ms-Outlook. 

Split PST File By Date: Increased size of mail box also increase the size of PST file which can be the reason to corrupt your PST file. To prevent your pst file from corruption, you should manage your PST file by splitting it according to a specific date & time. After splitting, save your split PST at a new location. 

Split PST File by Folders: its obvious e-mail send by you consist of attachments. These attachments make your PST file size large & will also create problem in sending & receiving emails. The only solution to this problem is splitting your PST file according to specific folders. In this option, you can make a new PST file for a specific folder that reduces the size of PST file. 

E-mail Id’s:- Suppose you are working as a Project Manager & handling multiple projects at the same time. At the same time, you are asked to give reply of a specific email. It will take too much time to search for a specific client email from the pool of emails. You can avoid this situation by splitting PST file by using e-mail id contains all information like (To. Bcc, Cc). After that, you can find it easily & can save your time.

After reading above methods (date, size, folders & e-mail id), now you can easily choose which method is more beneficial for you to split your large size PST file.

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